Monday 8 September 2008

CNPS frustration

Sigh. I'm stuck on 31. It hasn't been very long, I think it was Thursday that I got 30, but I am being plagued by endless 32s and 33s.

I figure it shouldn't be too hard to find a 31. Many people have their birthday as the number of their private reg, so assuming birthdays are evenly distributed throughout the year, this should account for 7/365 (approximately 1 in 50) people. The population of the mid-Fife area is around 180,000, so around 3600 people in my area should have a birthday which is the 31st of something. If only 1% of them have a private plate with their birthday on it, that's 36 cars I should be seeing. And then there's all the ones that just have 31 as the reg that came with the car, or people have selected a private reg for the letters with random numbers, or they got it for their 31st birthday, or they have 31 as their lucky number. Or many other things.

As if this isn't bad enough, Richard Herring cheerfully posted on his blog that he is now redoing CNPS and he just breezed through 31 and 32.

I would hate him, but I'm fond of this picture, which keeps making me smile on account of him looking eminently shaggable, and thus I must forgive him for his callous (in an oblivious type of way) CNPSing. Incidentally, I think his hair is ace.

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