Tuesday 2 December 2008


I just looked at the date. It's the 2nd of December today. The piece of work I'm hyperventilating over is not due till the 4th. Two whole evenings to go. Not one. Two. That's like 12 hours or something.

Christmas arrived yesterday in this house, hurrah hurrah hurrah. Tree is up, sans baubles as they have been lost by Someone Else, so it's covered with candy canes and foil covered chocolate and looks really quite cute. Yesterday we celebrated Andrew Collins by having a holiday, that only the government took, in honour of him. Or maybe it was some other Andrew, I'm not sure. Alex Salmond is obviously a fan.

Talking of Andrew Collins, this is what Nathan Jay's done now, it's amazing:

Oh, I just realised what I have to do with my new found free afternoon, the boys' birthday is one month tomorrow and the card has to be at CBeebies 4 weeks before, so needs posted, erm, today, I think. Yah. It's 4 weeks on Saturday, and given that Christmas gets in the way...

Oh cack.

Action stations. I needs a photo of them. Panic! Panic! Has to be printed too. Still have the CBeebies cheaty stickers to make auto-card. Need glitter!

I feel the need to hyperventilate again.


  1. wrongosity alert. mad panic, mad panic. oh. i read the date wrong. oh.

    the world - and your more immediate world - of yourself - deserves an apology.

    your rational self needs a slap as you have suffered for the past week. unless... this was all a cunning plan by your *rational* self that knows how implicitly lazy you are so set up a fake deadline for you to fail - and still get the essay in for the actual proper deadline. If that is the case, then well done Ms Rational MD, you've fooled us all.

    congratulations also for having a St Andrew, not my favourite saint, but he's alright I guess. He doesn't make underwear though does he? Or excellent ready meals. Not like St Michael. Now there's a busy and practical saint, maybe not so useful when it comes to fighting snakes, but that's not so useful a skill in modern Britain - unless they're metaphorical snakes, in which case, keep up the good work Saint Andrew of Collins.
    the end.

  2. Oi. I had a deadline for last Friday, for which I was late. I have a second, seperate assignment due on the 4th. Which at some point I had registered as being Wednesday, which is the day after Tuesday, which is today. This was wrong as the 4th is Thursday.

    I don't know why I'm explaining that.
