Monday 6 February 2012

Ageing disgracefully

Periodically I catch sight of myself and am surprised to see a middle aged person looking back at me out of the mirror. The short hair and specs add to this; I look and feel kind of old. As do my peers, I'm sorry to say. We ain't young no more.

My children add to this feeling of decrepitude by talking about my youth as "the past" and asking what I did before television was invented. Incidentally, I don't go there with computers and phones, they can't comprehend it.


I don't care. I wouldn't want to be younger again. I would have less confidence, more insecurities and less of the things that bring me joy now.

I don't worry about things that worried me even just five years ago, but I care more about the world as a whole, about our future and the existence that lies ahead for my children. I am interested in more and more as I get older, and that's great. I want to know about what's going on, I guess I want to be a part of it, albeit a very quiet part.

I hope I have more than half my life still to lead, so I'm not really very old. But I do think I finally feel like a grown up. And I like it.
Even if I do play too much Mario.

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