Sunday, 1 January 2012

First day of the year

So, it's January 1st.

I'm resurrecting this. We'll see how it goes, a lot depends on Blogpress and how it works - which is an iTunes issue according to the nice developers.

New Year. A non event, as it has been for considerably more years than I've not actively done nothing on purpose. And the 4th year in a row my boys failed to wake for midnight. I got the "why didn't you wake us?" this morning. Because one of you wouldn't wake for love nor money and the other stated categorically that "you were NOT getting up" with a full duvet over head flounce onto the pillow.

I got antsy last night about not saying happy new year till it was the new year. Y'know, like you say "have a good Christmas" until it is actually Christmas Day. Or I do. Maybe you're not that pedantic. You should be.

I sent one "hope it's good" with good intentions, then had a funny turn and sent another after midnight. And I got snippy about group texts and sent individual ones making sure to personalise them, and sent one to the wrong person. So that was stupid. Group texts again next year. I've forgotten some people anyway, I'm sure.

2011 for me consisted of:

Having a baby.

And that's all. Getting pregnant in January meant I seriously did little else. I now have a gorgeous giggling 4 month old girlie and really struggle to think of anything else I truly wish for. The pregnancy cured my neck pain so life for now is relatively normal (if a bit full of children).

But it is new year and a time for making promises I probably won't keep, so my plans for 2012 are this:

* Finish my dissertation and finally get the MSc I've been doing since 2007.
* Lose the baby belly.
* Move to a house that's big enough for 5 of us.

There's other things like being über organised and a super friend and the likes, but I'll stick with the necessary and see if other habits form that I can look back on.

A meh start to a year of blogging. Which probably won't be anything like daily. We'll see. Rants may be forthcoming...

Happy new year!


Scumbag Sam said...

Happy New Year! :P

Glad you're giving the blog another go - ramblings are always good to read!

MD said...

Happy new year to you too! I have catching up on reading to do I see... x