Monday 1 February 2010

Googly brained

Periodically you realise that you've finished the internet again. So to pass the time, amusement can be gleaned from seeing how other people use it.

Chris Addison pointed out today that if you type "why does" into Google and read the first autosuggest, you are likely to exclaim "what????!!!!???!!!" and echo his sentiment of "why????"

If it's changed, sorry, I am not repeating.

Forums and whatever you call the likes of wikianswers provide many joyous search results from utter buffoons. Members of the public displaying their lack of knowledge, sometimes so spectacularly misinformed and yet arguing or being authoritative about things. Arguments between people that know nothing can be truly entertaining. The ignorant dismissal of scientific fact is quite beautifully inept.

But the biggest joy, which thankfully doesn't require anything more than a scan of search results, is from the questions asked.

My two favourite tonight were:

"Are Durex condoms bigger than average?"


yes, really

"Do flavoured condoms contain sugar?"

I could/should give examples here all night but I'm tired so will be uncharacteristically concise.

Luckily I'm brilliant and NEVER say anything stupid.

1 comment:

Helena said...

I think it's the cheese and onion condom that definitely doesn't contain sugar! And like you, I never say (or think about) anything stupid.

How I love Google!