Sunday 4 January 2009

Spin me right round

Ho hum. So it's that time of year. For birthdays in this house, but for "oh crap I spent too much money and I've got a million things to think about and it's too cold and I really ought to be studying" as well. And the lingering nuisances from the previous year.

But not negative things. No. No. No. I've thought myself some positive thoughts tonight.

Worrying doesn't change anything, and I don't believe being prepared makes it easier in the event of disaster. Worrying about people isn't going to help them or change their actions.

Success at something requires actually having a shot at doing it. And in the event of failure then there is always the reassurance of having tried.

It doesn't really matter what people think. Asking them isn't going to change their mind. If people don't like the way I am, well I'll talk to the people that do.

The harder something is going to be to do, the better I'm going to feel when it's done. Nothing is unsurmountable and I look forward to feeling proud instead of helpless.

Everytime something bad happens, I'm going to banish the negative thoughts and concentrate on the positives.

Noone will want to strangle me and I'll still be like this next week. Oh yes.

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