Friday 23 April 2010

Non blog

So I have days when I have lots on my mind, when there is lots I could say, and I wouldn't utter a word.

Frivolous nonsense.

Like now. And so, in a "clever" keeping of a promise to myself, I'm hiding in the past.

Today my mind is filled with little more than a full and frank analysis of all the men who have entered my consciousness today. When I say full and frank, it's more of a yay/nay thing.

Disturbingly it seems to be mostly
Yay. Including Kevin Bacon, who I have seen on screen many's a time and never once thought mmm. But tonight he had a gee tar. And gee tars are very sexy.

David Cameron is a definite nay, and indeed so is Gordon Brown. And William Hague, and Peter Mandelsohn, and David Miliband (no brain: nay, really), and Ed Balls and all of the other vile looking politicians. I've always had a thing for the LibDems. I have by the way, I distinctly remember wearing an SDP Liberal Democrat rosette to school in the 1987 election. And I definitely wouldn't yay to David Steel, its not all based on aesthetics.

I remind myself of a broken record sometimes. It's the circular grooves.

Huh? Yeah? So what! Oh, right, it's ok, nobody reads these ones. Really.

1 comment:

Keir Hardie said...

No, not even I read that. Not even the bit where you said no-one reads these ones.