Tuesday 30 March 2010


Dearest of weathers,

While it is very much appreciated that you indulge my whimsy and return to the glorious climes of Winter, I fear the current abomination outside is actually beyond requirements.

A slight drop in temperature to allay the insects and prolong the wearing of jackets was all I REALLY needed. Gale force winds and driving rain weren't actually required. Kudos for annoying people though, particular admiration for allowing Spring to spring and then snatching it away. Muah ha ha. Timing heavy rain to coincide with spring tide is quite genius, the waves crashing over the sea wall/prom/neighbouring roads/half of Kirkcaldy were magnificent.

It has to be questioned: snow? Too far. Admittedly snow is always quite fun, especially if havoc making, but you should know better than to have that much rainfall beforehand. Slush is never popular, it's icky and doesn't cause proper disruptions. Also, 2 degrees is a little on the chilly side. Not to be too fussy, efforts are MASSIVELY cheering, but it's a wee bit overkill just now.

Maybe less precipitation tomorrow? Would that be ok? Just tomorrow, no droughts required.

Many thanks.

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