Wednesday 20 January 2010

Break up!

Ross and Rachel broke up!!!!

Actual tears fell here last night, sniffing through Disc 11 of the precious, precious Friends boxset.

Because awful though it was first time round, the knowledge of what lies ahead makes this parting devastating to watch. Rachel: silly, silly girl!! You were on a break! He's your lobster! Seven years of heartbreak ahead: you're going to get married by mistake, and divorced again, you're going to have a baby with the guy and you're going to (probably) realise in the end that he is the one. Realise your mistake, forgive him and understand why it happened!!!!

The nostalgia element added to the tears shed last night while watching the disaster unfold. There are many arty shots of the Twin Towers, which are unbearably poignant, coupled with the memories of watching Friends with friends and being ever so young.

What is really, really, REALLY needed is a Friends movie/one off special. It is. Because we need to know that it worked out, we need to see Ross and Rachel happy together forever, *proving* that true love wins. A Christmas special wouldn't be too much would it? Jennifer?

Ahhh. The luxury of a good old wallow in nostalgia, a nod to good old hyperbole, and being utterly banal.


Justhipper said...

I'd be more likely to be satisfied by a one-off special in which Rachel kills Ross by stringing him up in her lounge, skinning him alive, dismembering him and then cooking him in a pot roast which she feeds to Joey.

It would be even better if she got away with it because a jury agreed he was "too infuriatingly annoying" to live and the last thing we saw was her waiting outside the door of the house of that guy from Everybody Loves Raymond with a giant kitchen knive.

MD said...

I agree that Ross is incredibly annoying and totally unfanciable, but she loves him, he's sweet with her and it's all kind of cute when in Friends mode. True wuv doesn't need to be real.