Thursday 21 January 2010

Does not compute

There are a number of things that I cannot and will not ever understand.

What follows are the ones that have perturbed me today.

1) Unwarranted heat. The pursuit of being overly hot. Can be deliberately obtained in a number of ways:

a) electric blankets. A luxury supposedly. Torture more like. One of the greatest things on earth is getting into a cool bed. If it's particularly parky then yeah, maybe a hot water bottle at the foot of the bed. For a short period of time not exceeding 30 seconds after joining said hot water bottle. But something that gets hot and stays hot, that's potentially really dangerous and what's more, is hot? That's lunacy. Conjecture: people that own electric blankets are not the same as those that live without heating.

b) saunas. Hot dry heat? Utterly unbearable. And if you're completely mental, you can go from the hot dry heat and jump into an ice cold plunge pool.

c) the going to a hot country for the purpose of getting really hot and burning your skin, ignoring any culture or anything of interest in the pursuit of getting the mild skin damage people find attractive on themselves. And indeed the yearlong obsession with and dedication to achieving this visit to a hot country to be hot.

2) Gyms. A very expensive way to feel inadequate and use machines that emulate actually doing a real activity.

3) Those little floating smiley balls you get to put in the toilet to help small boys (of all ages, ha ha ha, so funny). There's a big circle of water to aim for. Is it that hard? Judging by the two little guys that have relatively recently got the hang of this: no.

Anything else is a pet rant...

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