Friday, 1 January 2010

That was the year that wasn't

I guess January 1st is a time to reflect on the previous year and plan for the coming one.

Gah. 2009 was a non event. I watched TV that everyone else has been watching for years - The Apprentice and Strictly - and did little else thanks to whiplash.

A new decade too. More on that another place/time.

New Year's Resolution:

Be good.

Exciting, huh? I'm not going to do things I'm not supposed to do and I am going to do the things I should.

Diaries ahoy, I am going to attempt to blog each day and see how long it takes to descend into weather reports.


Sleep now. N'night.

- Posted without any claim to factual correctness or interest to any living person. Brought to you by the combined wonder of BlogPress and iPhone.


Keir Hardie said...

wishing you the best of health in the forthcoming year

MD said...

Thankyou!! And the same to yourself.