Wednesday 10 September 2008

More LHC ponders

Well, the Large Hadron Collider should be beaming now, for want of a scientific/accurate term. We're still here, unsurprisingly.

However, despite knowing it's safe, I'm still taken with the notion of everything disappearing into a black hole. What if that is what is "meant" to happen and in the history of human kind, we always evolve and develop to precisely the technological advances that allow us to create a black hole, get destroyed, and then start again from the very beginning? Over and over for eternity.

But maybe it is idiotic to assume the earth would at any other juncture have taken the exact configuration that allowed us to exist. Should it all be destroyed and something else form in its place, there is no logical reason for humans to exist, or plant life to be as we know it or anything to be the same really. We all are an arrangement of particles that works relatively well, or with a number of liveable-with design faults, and there is no reason to suppose that an entirely different arrangement of particles and chemical reactions could not result in a far superior type of living thing. (Which does cause a major flaw when looking for alien life, we automatically look for life as we know it; there could be all manner of life out there and we simply don't know what we're looking for).

Hmm. I think I shall go back to pondering about things I know about.

Should they make a disaster film about the LHC (saying as how they don't find factual correctness a valuable ingredient), the ending would be a scientist going "right, we're going for it now..." then fade to a black screen. The screen would remain black for a few moments, then zoom in on tiny particles flying around.


Anonymous said...

as Nils Bohr said, 'If youre not confused by quantum physics, you havent understood it properly'

and he invented the thing!

I love quantum physics. dont understand most of it, but it has to be the most fascinating subject currently on planet earth. particles being in 1000's of places at the same time, cause happening before effect etc. mind-blowing and superb.

Im a big fan of eastern philosophy, particularly Zen, and this stuff(including bohr's deadpan paradoxes) is cut from the same cloth.

MD said...

But something being in several places at once is illogical. And the whole "if you measure it, it ceases to be there" is just nonsensical. As for things only being round because I think they're round and the poor cat that dies if you look at it...

I don't know anything about Zen philosophy, does it have the same premise of anything is only what you believe it to be?

My brain hurts now.

Anonymous said...

no. but its hard to explain and I am by no means at all an expert.

So I wont even try.

In this though, I'm afraid logic will get you nowhere.