Saturday 13 September 2008

Net life

The net is a funny old place. While two or three of my closest friends are actually people I "met" online, I seem to spend a lot of time talking to people that are complete strangers. Nice though this is, sometimes it's a bit weird to think that although I may know a lot about them, to them I am nothing more than a couple of initials.

And sometimes you have to wonder if everything you know about a person is in fact made up, there's a lot of people that have an entire character they "live" on the net. While most people are decent enough to reveal the person behind the character, some live on in character and you get to "know" someone who isn't real.

Then again, sometimes you get to meet chimps :-)


Anonymous said...

dont pretend you dont love it.

reality is very over-rated. though not of course by me.

MD said...

I love the net, yes.

JustHipper said...

We talking about someone in particular here?

MD said...

We're talking about lots of someones in particular, but you can probably guess the fluff that prompted that.