Saturday 6 September 2008

Strange desire

I want to be a traffic warden. No, really, I do. I had an application all ready to go all those years ago when I found out I was pregnant, and now they are recruiting again.

Just think, spending my days actually getting to ticket all the cock-ends that park inconsiderately. Instead of cursing when I have to negotiate round them, I could do something. I may add that this never occurred to me as a career until I moved into the town centre to live on a narrow street that nothing bigger than a car (ie not an ambulance or fire engine, sometimes not even a car) could just make it through when someone has illegally parked on the narrowest bit. I damned nearly took someone's door off tonight as they had their door wide open, not leaving enough space, and clutched onto the door as I drove past. You'd think as they were there, they might have pulled the door in a bit, but no, they just held onto it - because that would help lots and lots if I hit it. I was gratified to note just how close my lights reflected on that door.

Ah yes, away off on one there. I was outlining my immense suitability for being a traffic warden. Hmm. Thanks to my glittering past career, I have an unnatural knowledge of parking legislation, as well as my current studies. Literally, I'm about to start Transport Policy.

I would like to point out that in Fife, the traffic wardens are part of the Police, not private profit making companies. This makes a HUGE difference, not least to the pressure of the job, but also to the general attitude.

Slight technical hitch: childcare. I have the option to apply for the job as part time or job share; I'm not entirely sure they're looking for Saturdays only though. But you never know, maybe I can work something out.

Slight technical hitch 2: it's me, I don't get jobs.

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