Friday 14 November 2008

Stoopid just stoopid

Stupid PVR: DID NOT RECORD Buzzcocks. The cheek of it! And as if to taunt me I get an email TALKING ABOUT IT, well, mentioning it. Go away Except... come back!

Stupid gmail: is being retarded and making me look stupid. How can my sender address be wrong? Why does it send half finished emails?

Stupid computer: is threatening to die, it doesn't like being woken up and sometimes just doesn't. It had a windows update earlier, oh thanks for that, it's broken it.

Stupid cold: has made husband like bear with sore head all week, has given me snot projecting tearful children to look after and judging by the sore throat and running nose that started 8 seconds ago, has arrived with me nicely in time for the weekend. I am actually doing something this weekend, stupid horrid virus that it is. I need to do work, I need a functioning head. I don't have time or energy reserves to be ill.

Stupid modem: keeps needing a technical tap. Guess we got a new IP address then.

Stupid day: Thursday the 13th, not even Friday. It is my uneducated opinion that Thursday the 13th is in fact the unlucky day, this is not the first time it's happened. I can't quite remember what the happenings were before, but there was at least one happening and that's probably quite enough to form a superstition round.

Stupid people: it's all someone's fault. You'll do. Apologise immediately.


Stipey Sullivan said...


The Clemency File said...

From the heart of my bottom and on behalf of the whole of mankind, I'm sss! sss! sss! Nope! Just like with The Fonze, it ain't goin' to happen.

Stupid PVR - an inanimate electronic object that was either programmed wrong or is faulty! Read the manual, send it back to the manufacturer or bin it.

Stupid gmail - it's a piece of software, it cannot be retarded. Ever heard of garbage in garbage out? It is usually down to operator error.

Stupid computer - yet another inanimate object that cannot "die"! It can cease to function but it cannot die because it is not alive. It also cannot be "woken up". You can start it up, it can fail to start up but you cannot wake it up and it cannot be stupid, it is simply faulty.

Stupid cold - Germs do not have a level of intelligence therefore cannot be stupid. The correct definition of Stupid Cold is either "A degree of coldness to which, when confronted with such conditions, makes you stupid." or "when it is just too cold and you cant feel your privates".

Stupid modem - See stupid pvr and stupid computer.

Stupid day - You cannot have a stupid day, that would just be ridiculous! A day is simply a twenty four hour period, one thousand four hundred and forty minutes or eighty six thousand four hundred seconds. However you can have a stupid month but only the one. February is incredibly stupid because it cannot make up it's mind as to how many days it should contain.

MD said...

Thank you Mr Dough, that was the correct response. You win a jelly baby.

And Mr Rob, if you're going to be like that:

The PVR has moments and decides not to record things, deleting the record command previously programmed. That in my book qualifies as stupid.

My computer definitely goes to sleep. If it sleeps, it wakes up. It doesn't do it properly. Operator level involves pressing the on button, even in my most stupid moments I can do that.

Viruses are superbly intelligent, they are one of the most efficient living things around. I have utmost respect for them, HIV particularly is astounding in its mechanism. This cold is not in fact stupid but to call it what it is would be rude. Stupid in this case is a euphemism.

Days can in fact be stupid, this was proved in 1986 by Professors Quincy and Petrocelli when they were successfully able to prove that while the 3rd of April could competently negotiate a maze, November 13th was unable to even reach the food at the first gate.

February just thinks it's stupid because it is in the shadow of the vastly superior January.

The Clemency File said...

I don't like jelly babies anyway!

MD said...

You weren't offered one. You would have had to steal it.

The Clemency File said...

Why would I want to steal something I don't like? That would be "Stupid"

MD said...

Just because you don't like 'em doesn't mean you don't want to steal it. Sour grapes and all.