Wednesday 5 November 2008

Tales of a day

Yesterday a decision was made, a phone was bought. The phone was promptly taken to see Quantum of Solace as there was No Way it was being left in the car. Nuh uh. It quite enjoyed the film, I think, but it did have to be reassured that Sony Ericsson phones don't actually do all that, nor that they are quite as universally used as indicated.

The film: I thought Daniel Craig was magnificent, I thought Judi Dench delivered some cracking lines, but overall... I fell asleep (with bag firmly clamped between ankles). Which is usually an indicator that a film is brilliant, I have slept through some of the best films there are (but not usually at the cinema, the last one was LOTR so it doesn't always mean good). Being permanently overtired and unable to sleep at the designated time means having days where sleep is uneludable and anything involving sitting down for prolonged periods should probably be avoided. Especially mid afternoon. I think it was a good film, but I missed a vital part in the middle so the rest didn't make sense and was a bit mingled in with half dreams so was all mightily confusing.

How's that for a review? There's probably been a few others written, there probably isn't a huge reliance on this one.

Yesterday was nice, having an anniversary meant playing hookie to being parents all afternoon and being allowed for lunch out, shopping for phones and a trip to the cinema. Most exciting.

Today, the Western world is a better place and the fireworks are imminent.
Today, a phone is outwitting its new owner. Excessive spankage will undoubtedly follow, it's still immensely great, but I don't think it likes its owner much.

Today, a funk. I seem to be very good at making people unhappy and that's not what I mean to do at all. Sorry if I made you unhappy, whoever you may be, it's always possible.


Stipey Sullivan said...

As an occasional teacher of GCSE Ingerlish can I just congratulate you on the use of the word 'uneludable'. It's not often that that word gets used, so have an A*.

I fell asleep during The Sixth Sense and also in a bar in Greece watching Apocalypse Now - the loudest film in the world. And during lots of other films (Lust/Caution is another I remember - it was meant to be dead sexy - but I just thought it was dead sleepyness enducing)

It's hard when you've been working/shouting at children etc - and then you sit in a comfy seat in the dark and it's warm. What are you supposed to do? It is a pity though.

I expect many photos to be blogged up from your new phone. Of good stuff. Autumn leaves or something more nicerer. You have your homework, now get to it...

MD said...

Uneludable is actually a word? How exciting.

Pics will deluge upon the blog in january when I gets a new camera, this ain't got a good camera.

Always an excuse not to do homework :-)

MD said...

Impressively pedantic expert analysis may have revealed the correct spelling to be ineludible.

Doubt still lingers, causing the experts to question their research and the author wishes to take full credit for the initial convincingness of the word that was at least in part invented.

The author does also however concede that the initial spelling was incorrect and that the experts were therefore correct. The author is somewhat pained by this admission.