Wednesday 1 October 2008


No, not mine, the programme. Fear not. Heroes, series three, episode one. huzzah!

New series started tonight, which I TOTALLY forgot about until ten minutes in, I failed to notice that it is in fact October now, I'm still in about April. I did spend at least half the remaining (not very long) episode going "huh?" so I'll put that down to the missed minutes and not my decaying brain. I suspect I merely missed the big recap though. They (the BBC) said, lyingly, that I could catch up on BBC iplayer, but as of now, nothing there. Patience is not a virtue I am familiar with.

So (fluffily) far:

Don't like bad Peter. Peter is the ultimate good guy.

I shouldn't fancy Sylar, but I do. He's the perfect bad guy. He would swoosh beautifully given the chance.

Yay to Mohinder getting an ability! Although there was a "here's the science, ignore or your brain will explode" bit to get to it.

I am bored of the "who is Claire really?" thing, it's been going on since the first episode. Tim Kring said "99% of the questions raised in the first episode will be answered by the end of the series". Oh, don't tell me what the final 1% we have to momentarily ponder before not caring any more will be? Not Claire, surely, no, that would be tedious.

Daphne seems like a good character and (along with the overawed cast), I liked the effect of her trail.

Why does Nathan always have to be a dick? He's been every type of dick there is; now he's a god bothering dick, the very best.

I'm not sure about the everyone's (maybe) a villain thing, I think that just gives them licence to do whatever they feel like with the characters. Which doesn't really work, it just makes it easier for them and harder for the viewer.


I do actually like Heroes, but I must stop watching Heroes Unmasked, it makes me despise them all, hence the tone of this. It's good, tonight's episode was exciting, especially the Sylar/Claire bit and I am thrilled that it's back. Even if I forgot to watch it...


Stipey Sullivan said...

heroes: unmitigated guff, but i'm still watching. was a confirmed addict so i'll give it another go. we do seem to be repeating now, in an eternal recurrance of the 'save the world' storyline & kill sylar/lock him up/he escapes bla bla.

I miss the artist - oscar mendes? we need more superhero artists. all these killing people: boring. though black eye lady, Mya, is good. but by good, I think i mean, delightful. her and newly extra hunky karesh will have lovely babies.
peter's mum always reminds me of cheri blair.

MD said...

Peter's mum IS Cherie Blair, no?

Anonymous said...

Mohinder having an ability defeats the purpose of Mohinder - and if HRG gets one that will be ridiculous too. Having non-Heroes as "powerful" as the heroes is a good tactic.

Mohinder is simply annoying now anyway.

I love Sylar.