Saturday 18 October 2008

The voice

Periodically you'll be bumbling along, quite the thing, just being. Suddenly a realisation hits you, a voice inside your head, and just like that, things feel quite different.

I'm sick of my inner voice, it's a whinging git. All it ever says is "you're making an idiot of yourself. Stop what you're doing immediately". Why can't it say "my, your hair's looking nice today" or "that was clever, well done". Why all the negativity?

I mean, yeah, scuffing out the rhythm of Sunny Afternoon may make me look a little strange sidling up and down the aisles of B and Q, but the voice could, say, admire my sense of rhythm. No, no, it mocks me as usual.

Dammit voice, what do you want?

Oh I see. I'll get my coat.

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